Tefal - Essencia frypan

2008. 3. 18. 19:53Stuff/Etc

역시 어머니의 요청으로 인해 frypan을 하나 주문했다.
몇달전부터 노래를 부르셨던 Tefal.

원래 다른 DM에 혹하셔서 그걸 주문하라고 하셨는데 internet으로 알아보니 가격은 동일하나 이것 보다 구형제품

대한통운 택배로 배달왔다.

essencia로 주문했는데 box는 Perfoma?
겉 box가 많이 부족했나?

놀랍게도 Made in France
중국제가 아니어서 일단 안심.

30cm와 32cm.

최신 New Expert coating.
5중 coating인데 긁힘과 눌러 붙는 것을 방지해준다고 한다.

그간 싸구려만 써봐서 그런지 확실히 다르긴 다르더라.
최근에 썼던 국산 marble coating (Teflon coating)제품이 말이 많은 것 같아서 앞으로는 이것을 주력으로 쓰려고 한다.
이것 역시 같은 불소수지 coating이지만 이것은 잘 벗겨 질 것 같지는 않다.
전에 썼던 국산 marble coating 현재 상당히 많이 벗겨졌다.

일단 두고 봐야겠지.

T-FAL Non-stick Coatings - General Information

All T-FAL non-stick coatings contain PTFE, (polytetrafluoroethylene) a remarkable plastic polymer. This is the slippery ingredient that makes the non-stick finish. PTFE is made up of "tetra fluoro ethylene" molecules that contain only carbon and fluorine. The non-stick coating is not attacked by acid or alkali bases and is very stable when heated. Health authorities in the US, Canada, France, Europe and other countries have approved non-stick PTFE coatings for use on cookware. Actually, it is an inert substance which does not enter into chemical reactions with food, water, or household cleaners. If ingested, it is totally innocuous to the body. Non-stick is so safe it is frequently used by the medical profession for coating heart stimulators, small pipes used as replacement arteries, and has even been injected into patients with serious kidney conditions.

To cause any possible hazard to the consumer, it would be necessary to heat 36 non-stick frying pans simultaneously to 750° F. Since in a domestic kitchen the maximum temperature possible to which a pan can normally be heated is approximately 575° F, there is no risk should a pan be accidentally overheated.

Only T-Fal non-stick cookware has Thermo-Spot™, a unique patterned red spot in the center of the frying pan that changes to solid red when the pan is perfectly pre-heated and ready to cook. By monitoring pre-heating using Thermo-Spot, cooking can start without the empty pan overheating.


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