Audio & Video/SNL

[Yankovic interview] Britney Spears & Justin Timberlake

cousteau 2006. 8. 2. 10:32

Al: Hey! Al here! Welcom back to AL-TV. It's time right now for another fabulous celebrity interview with one of my close, personal friends in the music biz. Unfortunately, due to a scheduling conflict, she wasn't able to be here live in person, but we have the next best thing - she appears live via satellite.
Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my dear friend, Whitney Spears.

Britney Spears: Britney.

Al: Anyway, you're a very attractive woman. Do you think that you're beautiful?

Britney Spears: So beautiful! Oh, my gosh!

Al: You know, a friend of mine told me that he would gladly eat a stack of pancakes with maple syrup right off your butt.

Britney Spears: And a lot of people feel that way with me for some reason, and it's very flattering and it's very sweet.

Al: Do you think of yourself more as a serious singer-songwriter or a soulless android programmed to destroy the world.

Britney Spears: Maybe I'm a combination of both, I don't know.

Al: When's the last time you had explosive diarrhea?

Britney Spears: Probably like a year ago.

Al: OK, well, let's talk about your latest album.

Britney Spears: Oh, we can't even talk about that. That makes me really nervous.We can't talk about that.

Al: OK, well then let's talk about my new album! So, what do you think of it?

Britney Spears: Amazing!

Al: Gee, thanks. Well, Britney, keep practicing, and in a few years, who know? Maybe you'll be almost as good as me.

Britney Spears: For you to even say that is just, like, like overwhelming to me, seriously.

Al: Right now, though, I've got a big, big surprise for you. I've got a very special guest right here in the AL-TV studio. I think you might recognize him. Look familiar?

Justin Timberlake: (smiles silently)

Britney Spears: Ha, it's Michael Jackson. Ha ha ha ha!

Al: Close, it's Justin Timberlake.

Britney Spears: (silent, confused stare)

Al: You know, your old boyfriend?

Britney Spears: Umm...

Al: You see, the reason I brought Justin on the show is I've known him a long time and he's had a while to think things over, and, uh, well, Justin, don't you have something you'd like to say right now?

Justin Timberlake: Yeah, I think so, I think so.

Al: (nods toward the screen with Britney) Yeah? Like what?

Justin Timberlake: Like, I love you.

Al: You see, there, Britney? He still loves you. After all this time...

Justin Timberlake: (shaking his head) No.

Al: What, what do you mean? Wait a minute, are you saying that you love Britney or me?

Justin Timberlake: You. Huh.

Al: Justin, I gotta tell you, man, you're... you're kinda creepin' me out right now.

Justin Timberlake: I'm very creepy. Don't be afraid, don't be scared. I'm very creepy.

Al: Yeah, I've noticed. Anyway, as long as you're both on the same show, is there anything at all you'd like to say to Britney?

Justin Timberlake: I like her style and, umm, "Complicated" was a great song, and...

Al: Umm, I think you're thinking of Avril Lavigne. She was our last guest.

Justin Timberlake: Huh.

Al: Justin, you have a little somthing on your... (points to his nose)

Justin Timberlake: (silently rubs his nose)

Al: Britney, you still with us?

Britney Spears: I was staring off into space. OK. I was like...

Al: Uh, we're out of time. Britney, thank you so much for being on the show. Hope we can have you on again soon.

Britney Spears: I feel like I should hug you.

Al: Uh, OK. There you go. Uh. Britney Spears, ladies and gentlemen, Britnet Spears. Oh. You're still here.

Justin Timberlake: (nodding his head) Uh huh.

Al: Right. So, what do you like to do for fun?

Justin Timberlake: I like to go sneak in the theater and watch movie, y'know?

Al: Without paying?

Justin Timberlake: Yeah.

Al: That's nice. Uh, Justin... (points to his nose)

Justin Timberlake: (silently rubs his nose)

Al: So, do you have any motto in life?

Justin Timberlake: Um, I just think, if you're gonna do something, if you put out 150%, then you can always expect 100 back.

Al: But then you wind up losing 50%. What a stupid motto!

Justin Timberlake: I just, I mean...

Al: Your motto sucks! Anyway, now that Britney's gone, tell us. What's she really like?

Justin Timberlake: Oh, they're big. They're bigger than big.

Al: What?

Justin Timberlake: They're big. They're large. They're colossal.

Al: Huh! I am just a little offended here. How can you objectify a woman like that. I mean, how would you like it if we started talking about your... you know...

Justin Timberlake: (looking down, then looking up) Oh it's big. Oh, it's real big.

Al: Oh brother. Justin, we gotta go.

Justin Timberlake: Big.

Al: Thanks for being on the show. (Al pauses and thinks) What about Lance Bass?

Justin Timberlake: It's like a Life Savers pack, umm, y'know?

Al: Yeah, it's what I figured. We'll be right back.

Britney와 Justin 파경 이후에 우리의 parody의 황제 Yankovic 아저씨가 만든 동영상.
실제로 했던 interview는 아니고 교묘히 편집해서 만든 영상이다. 그의 영상은 언제나 최고!